Brewery De Proefbrouwerij always invests in the latest technology. For the follow-up of its waste water, it partners with Pantarein Water.
De Proefbrouwerij was founded in 1996 and is specifically equipped for developing and producing beers for third parties. Their customers are both start-up and existing breweries, beer architects and private individuals. Flexible and automated production processes are necessary to innovate. That is why the brewery always invests in the latest technology. This also includes the follow-up of the waste water, for which De Proefbrouwerij works with Pantarein Water.
The water was initially purified with two parallel low-load bioreactors of the SBR type. In 2018, De Proefbrouwerij expanded its treatment system with a buffer tank, to better average out the flow, and an air lift-type membrane filtration, to double the capacity. The biological treatment always takes place in a discontinuous manner in order to develop a granular sludge and to stimulate maximum biological phosphate removal.